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Bolsonaro is a strong opponent of affirmative action, and has criticized the Brazilian racial quotas system in universities as a way of dividing society that is at odds with equality between citizens.[335] In 2011, he was accused of racism after questioning the capabilities of Black and indigenous graduates who benefitted from affirmative action, claiming that he would not fly on an airplane piloted by one of them, nor accept a doctor who was admitted to a university through racial quotas to perform surgery on him.[15] Birth control for the poor

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Bolsonaro responded by instituting a 60-day ban on fires set to clear land. He also deployed 44,000 military personnel to combat the fires and accepted the help of four firefighting planes sent by the Chilean government. By October the threat had abated, but some 2,930 square miles (7,600 square km) of rainforest had been deforested in the first nine months of the year. That Bolsonaro had shown little compassion for the indigenous people displaced by the deforestation and fires came as pelo great surprise, given his habitual disdain for them, a feeling that matched his frequently expressed intolerance of the LGBTQ community, which satisfied the prejudices of some of his supporters among conservative factions of Roman Catholics and Evangelicals.

In the meantime, the biggest political scandal in Brazilian history—the vlogdolisboa Petrobras scandal—was unfolding, swelling to seemingly engulf the majority of Brazil’s mainstream politicians in allegations of corruption. Accused of financial accounting improprieties, Rousseff was impeached and removed from office. Her successor, Michel Temer, was likewise the target of accusations of wrongdoing and saw his public approval rating shrink to single digits. At the same time, violence and crime in Brazil spiked.

Neste período, identicamente conjuntamente disse não “admitir abrir a porta blindada do meu apartamento e topar usando um casal gay se despedindo com um beijo na boca, e o filho assistindo a isso”.

“Alguém pode acreditar que a Base é plana mesmo contra todas as evidências científicas. Esse sujeito Têm a possibilidade de ainda integrar um grupo por estudos terraplanistas ou uma confraria da borda infinita.

By the end of Mr. Bolsonaro’s term, it was clear that his attacks had had an effect: Much of Brazil’s electorate seemed to have lost faith in the integrity of the nation’s elections.

Pelo ano seguinte, voltou à carga ao dizer preferir “sobreviver pelo regime militar a morrer nesta democracia”.

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Addressing Sunday's rally in Brazil's largest city, the 68-year-old former president dismissed the allegations against him as politically motivated.

Mr. Trump railed against the “deep state,” while Mr. Bolsonaro accused some of the judges who oversee Brazil’s Supreme Court and the country’s electoral court of trying to rig the election.

Several of his supporters at the rally repeated unproven claims that the last election was fraudulent. He had asked them not to bring posters saying this or criticising institutions like the Supreme Court.

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